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Success Stories

Success Story – Dr Helene Milne, MBChB

Marc is an inspirational instructor with extensive knowledge of exercise physiology and dietetics.  He is passionate about sport, martial arts and fitness which enables clients to achieve their maximum potential. My first sport was badminton and after a long break having had children I took up kickboxing 5 years ago.  In this period I have won 3 WKA World Championship titles in the womans veteran semi contact division and am currently a member of the British WAKO kickboxing team competing in the World Championships this year. Marc’s coaching and instruction has improved my technical skills, my training regime and my belief in my ability to achieve goals that I didn’t think would be possible.  He has also instructed the rest of my family including my children who have grown in confidence and learnt new skills in a fun but well disciplined environment

Dr Helene Milne, MBChB
Consultant in Emergency Medicine + subspecialty in paediatric emergency medicine
Consultant in Retrieval Medicine
Instructor Adult and Paediatric advanced life support