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Combating Obesity in COVID-19 Fight!


“The case for action on obesity has “never been stronger”, according to Public Health England, who recently published a review of evidence which shows that being overweight remains one of the biggest risk factors in the battle against Covid-19″.  Our very own Prime Minister, Boris Johnson, fought and won his own personal battle against Covid-19. Having an obese level Body Mass Index (BMI) of 36.2 when admitted to St Thomas’ Hospital was undoubtedly a contributing factor to the severity of his illness.

Since his recovery, Boris has now been seen jogging and cycling and is said to be following an overall health regime to try and reduce his weight to acceptable levels.

Boris himself has recently declared a ” war on obesity” in an attempt to improve the nation’s health. Hear what our client Amy has to say!

The M.A.S.K. Weight Loss Strategy

Whilst national health initiatives are a great idea and will undoubtedly kickstart the nation into leading healthier and fitter lives, at M.A.S.K. we have identified the need for a more personalised approach to getting, and more importantly stay in great physical and mental shape.

We like to share with you our 5-step process that we use with our clients to get them in their best possible shape.

1) Assess – we assess each and every person as an individual. We look at their health, lifestyle, nutritional habits, exercise preferences, their careers and their personal lives. 

2) Prescribe – We don’t like the term prescribe as it sounds way too clinical. However, when we have collected all information that we need from each client, we then set to work prescribing the absolute best health, fitness & nutritional programme in line with each client’s unique goals.

3) Track – We have embraced technology, and formulated a plan for clients to easily keep up-to-date with their own progress using tracking apps such as MyFitnessPal and MyZone whilst having full access to our online programming software which contains over 3000 exercises!

4) On Line Classes – Lockdown has indeed changed the shape of health, fitness and exercise forever! Forward thinking companies have now introduced online training packages in addition to face-to-face 1-2-1 and group sessions. We are now committed to introducing 3/4 new classes each day, giving clients both variety and flexibility about the types of training that they would like to follow. These can be separate from, or included with individualised personal programs.

5) M.A.S.K. Community – a huge aspect of client success is being involved with a community of like-minded people all going through the same journey as yourself. The extra motivation and sense of belonging can never be underestimated. We absolutely Love the positivity and enthusiasm from our members.

There’s never been more important time to get in shape, boost your immune system and become the very best version of yourself.

For more information about any of our programs and our approach to health and fitness, simply click on the link to book your complimentary consultation.

Remember, online programs all come with a 14 Day Free Test Drive.

Jump on and see how we can help you!

Click HERE to BOOK your COMPLIMENTARY Consultation. 🙂

” Helping people to become THE best version of themselves”.

– M.A.S.K. Personal Training 2020.  – Hear what our client Annalees has to say!

Click HERE to BOOK your COMPLIMENTARY Consultation. 🙂

P.S…. We are here to help YOU! Need help….JUST ask! 🙂